Algasol has naturally transitioned from a technology company, owning the most coveted patent and cost efficient (CAPEX, OPEX and productivity) on algae growth systems, to being in the process of becoming one of the largest algae biomass manufacturers through its daughter companies, Algasol Bangladesh Ltd and Alga Biomass Bangladesh Ltd.
A clear plan for commercialization of the technology is in place based on an active partnership strategy.
From its inception to present day Algasol has successfully gone from testing, “proof of technology” through outdoor large biomass production in the Mediterranean to being granted the patent letters on the most cost efficient and high yielding growth system (PBR’s) for algae to date. As early on forecasting that the present to medium term use of algae biomass will be for High Value Products (HVP’s), Algasol has in parallel to building the first manufacturing plant, Algasol Bangladesh Ltd, also signed agreements with government and non-governmental institutions to produce large commercial quantities of algal biomass in Bangladesh, Algae Biomass Bangladesh Ltd., according to the “Green Giant Principle” i.e thousands of independent farmers growing biomass on their land.
It is noteworthy that Algasol’s biodegradable PBR’s have shown to have less biofouling, which is normally associated with closed PhotoBioReactors, with outstanding results significantly improving both productivity and biomass concentration.
Active partnership strategy
Considering its focused strategy, in order to maximize speed of the commercialization process, Algasol pursues an active partnership strategy, in reference to Algasol’s patented floating PBR technology combined with the decentralized production of large commercial quantities of algal biomass.