Algasol Bangladesh Ltd is a wholly owned daughter company that completed its first Asian factory, north-east of the capital of Dhaka, Bangladesh, in November 2014, to satisfy large customer demand. Manufacturing Algasol’s 3 commercial and modular sizes of its worldwide patented floating PhotoBioReactors (PBR’s), based on density difference.  PRICE LIST

Algasol’s commercial sized PBR’s, Alga4 (right), Alga5 (left), Alga 6 (middle), (see price list) for size
and volume, with an annual capacity of over 400,000 PBR’s

Comprehensive picture of the machinery at Algasol Bangladesh’s manufacturing plant, ALGASOL BANGLADESH to produce Algasol’s commercial sized PBR’s, Alga4 (right), Alga5 (left), Alga 6 (middle), see price list for size and volume, PRICE LIST, with an annual capacity of over 400,000 PBR’s

Algasol Bangladesh Ltd will open its largest show case and training center adjacent to factory in Dhaka in second quarter 2015, training Bangladeshi farmers and clients with confirmed orders.

Algasol Bangladesh Ltd has signed agreements with BCSIR, a Government institution, to assist independent farmers for de-centralized production of large quantities of algae biomass to:

  • Supplement farmers income 
  • Enriching farmers’ diet
  • Exports of algae biomass, non processed and processed

Picture of the colossal Alga6 (see price list) sealer is 58m long, 190,29 ft